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Get in contact with real patients

Gabriel Signorelli

CATCH ITN Orientation Conference, June 2017, Dublin

The Patient Journey Map Workshop, part of CATCH ITN orientation Conference, provided us the opportunity to be directly in contact with patients and experience a hands on qualitative research approach to the patient's needs in a Patient centred design. To include the patient in the design process of the research is very important, they are the most important stakeholder and without them it is not possible to answer the questions.

Brenda Reginatto

The Journey Map strategy, presented by Brenda Reginatto lead us to understand the daily patient routine and have an overview about the barriers they face. During an informal talk we were able to notice many aspects that are very relevant to the patient that we need to consider in our research.

CATCH workshop

Our lovely Patient Ciara let us know the importance about the family support and the sport team philosophy to make her a more active person. She is enrolled in a Dragon Boat club with other breast cancer survivors and all aspects of being part of a team help them to engage in physical activity. Social and Physical factors enhance their quality of life and the family support is crucial to motivate the patient to do it.

CATCH ESRs with patient

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© 2016 CATCH. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement 
No. 722012

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