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Beacon Hospital

Ruth Whelan

Ruth is the manager of the UCD Beacon Hospital Academy. She is involved in the CATCH training activities and also serves on the selection committee.

Ruth is the Manager of the UCD Beacon Hospital Academy. Ruth graduated from University College Dublin in 2000 with an Honours degree in Physiotherapy and received a first class honours Masters in Sports Physiotherapy from University College Dublin in 2005. Ruth worked for six years in St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin. During this time, she was a Senior Physiotherapist in both Musculoskeletal Outpatients and Clinical Education and also lectured occasionally in Orthopaedics on the undergraduate programme for UCD School of Physiotherapy. Ruth joined Beacon Hospital in 2006 as the Physiotherapy Manager and went on to become Allied Therapy Manager in Beacon Hospital from 2009 to 2015. Ruth’s current research interest lies in quality of health care delivery and she currently sits on the CORU Physiotherapy Regulatory Board (2014-2018). In 2015, UCD Beacon Hospital Academy was launched and Ruth was delighted to be appointed manager in this new and exciting role. Under Ruth’s management, the academy has grown exponentially and continues to offer staff and students a best in the class educational experience.

Ailish Daly

Ailish is the lead for the Understanding the Problem work package. She co-supervises two Early Stage Researchers.

Ailish Daly is a Clinical Specialist in Oncology and Palliative care as well as a qualified lymphoedema therapist. She graduated from Manchester School of Physiotherapist in 1999 with an honours and completed her lymphoedema training in 2006. She has also completed a post graduate certificate in palliative care. Ailish has 15 years’ experience working in areas ranging from post-surgery care, intensive care, neuro rehab and orthopaedics. Ailish’s areas of interest are in rehabilitation during and after cancer treatment, physiotherapy management of the side effects of cancer treatment including lymphoedema. Ailish is a board member of the Plurabelle Paddlers, Ireland’s first Dragon Boat racing team for breast cancer survivors.

Enya Murray

Enya is the Senior Administrator of the UCD Beacon Hospital Academy.

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Matilde Mora Fernandez


Matilde supervises one Early Stage Researcher.

Lecturer in Physical activity and Sport Science at Faculty of Educational Science ( University of Seville). Matilde has wide experience in physical activity intervention in breast cancer patients. Her research focuses on patients that survived cancer who have finished the oncological treatment. Furthermore, she developed aquatic exercise and Nordic Walking programs. In relation to this research, she is coordinating an agreement between University of Seville and ONCOAVANZE S.L. Currently she is supervising several Master Thesis and co-supervising doctoral thesis on improvement of quality of life in breast cancer patients. She is participating in the CATCH Horizon 2020 project of the European Community with a Marie Curie Fellowship.

Maria Valero Arbizu


Maria co-supervises one Early Stage Researcher on the CATCH programme.

Bachelor in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Seville, Spain. Specialist in Clinical Oncology at the University Hospital Virgen del Rocío de Sevilla (2001-2005). Fellowship at Derrifor Hospital, Plymouth University (UK) in gastrointestinal tumor unit and sarcomas. Director of the breast cancer and gastrointestinal tumor nits at Quiron and Nisa Hospitals in Seville. Several publications in impact journals and collaborations at congresses and national and international oncological scientific meetings. Active member of the Spanish Medical Oncology Society (SEOM). Member of GEICAM (Spanish Breast Cancer Research Group) and TTD group (Treatment of Digestive Tumors). Coordinator and Co-Investigator in the Oncology area of different R & D + I projects of the ONCOAVANZE group.

Lourdes Valero


Lourdes is involved in Oncoavanze’s project management.

Bachelor in Economics (University of Seville, Spain) and Master in Business Administration (Mid Sweden University, Östersund, Sweden). Currently she is the Administration & Financial Manager in Oncoavanze. Her role in CATCH project is Project Management. From 2007 to 2012 she worked in CITANDALUCIA (The Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre of Andalusia). Her responsibilities were assets companies, Technology Centres and researchers to apply to FP7; participate in European R&D proposal and projects and training courses. She also worked 5 years in Telvent Interactiva (Abengoa's IT branch). Her position was Financial Controller and Project Management.

Pedro Valero Jimenez


Pedro works with one of the Early Stage Researchers providing expert advice.

Bachelor in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Seville, Spain. Specialist in Clinical Oncology. Certification of aptitude by the European Medical Oncology Society. He is a prestigious oncologist with a wide experience (more than 40 years) in public and private hospitals. CEO of ONCOAVANZE Oncology Group and de Division of the Oncology at Quiron, Infanta Luisa and NISA Hospitals in Seville. Participant in CATCH project (Marie Curie Fellowship, Horizon 2020) as medical advisor. Co-director at the Clinical Research Unit, ONCOAVANZE Oncology Group and collaborative member on several projects at the Pharmacy Department at the University of Seville. Participant in numerous clinical trials as well as conferences and teaching.

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